Saturday, September 15, 2012


Local craftmen manufactured needed parts for clutch. Small garage invested one day to assist roman in assembling. He sayed "it is for allah" and only accepted a swiss postcard. He assisted that we tell in switzerland how poeple in shymkent are. We cladly do: They are friendly helpful, simply great! To arrive in shymkent, we needed a truck to drive us over 400km off haevy natural roads-the only one in the south of kasachstan. Local police in aralsk was very helpful. They stopped all truck and insisted to take us and the bikes -most of them were full loaded. After a half a day on the dusty roadside in the sun they were succsesful a driver from turkistan could not decline the 200 dollar. But we had to "buxir" - tow - 160km until he had deposit some of his 30T of potatoes at local merchents. So we spent the evening in a small town and continued 2a.m sleeping in a bumpy trailor between potatoes. 2 days later he invited us to his home in turkistan with wineyards deep fountain and colorful rooms. We left with a melon in the luggage towing another 160km to shymkent only stopped by curiouse engeneers of the south corean company that build the road we are driving on or beside.


  1. This attitude will work. Good luck. waiting for you. Ignace

  2. the message of how people in shymkent are has arrived! thinking a lot of you and your adventures these days!
